Asylums Were Once Mansions Full Of Nightmares And Insane Treatments
Politicians have turned an eye towards mental health reform in the wake of recent shootings. It’s true that the United States’s mental health system is in need of reform. Treatment is an often pricey endeavor, and that’s even if you have health insurance. Report Advertisement That said, today’s approach to mental health is still light years ahead of where it was 200 or even 100 years ago. Here are some truly shocking photos of what it used to be like to walk the halls of an asylum. 1. Reasons for being admitted into an asylum in the late 1800s, including “laziness” and “masturbation for 30 years.” Report Advertisement sobadsogood 2. Vintage straitjacket. banana 3. Getting comfy. sobadsogood 4. This 20th century radium therapy might have done more harm than good for patients. barnorama 5. Diathermia was a treatment that involved sending a jolt of electricity through the patient’s brain. It also proved to be unpredict...